Sunday, February 28, 2010

Canadian Math Contest

For the contest, I was a little nervous, but it was definitely not the feeling I get when doing an exam. The time limit did pressure me to become more focused because I wanted to try to go through all the questions and do the ones I could. At the beginning, I took my time because I knew that I had an hour. When i reached the half way point, i started to work a little faster, guessed a few questions and kept looking back at the clock. When I got near the end, i started to rush and I couldn't even concentrate anymore, making me leave most of the last page questions blank. I felt relieved when we were going over the questions because the questions that i guessed were right. :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tower of Hanoi

Tower of Hanoi was quite confusing. I was very frustrated and wanted to give up. I didn't use a specific strategy for it, because i couldn't find one, so i just used guess and check. After getting some help from my classmates, i realized the strategy. If the number of discs are even, then the littlest disc would go in the middle pole, and if the number of discs are odd, then the littlest discs would go in the right pole.